TCAPS is a multi-agency and citizens at large organization of socially minded people who strive to support social and community issues. We have been part of the Taber community since the 80s.  Then the goal was to ensure the needs of children were being met but it evolved into bigger community needs and programs.  Taber / Vauxhall Victim Services (now Horizon Victim Services) grew out of this partnership.

TCAPS has a subcommittee, TCAD, who has supported the community with questions and concerns related to drug use.  We were instrumental in bringing AADAC (now Addiction and Mental Health) to our community.  For years, TCAPS has published a “We Can Help” poster of agencies and their contact information in our community.  This information can now be found on this website!  We administer a Crisis Fund that helps those who are struggling with crisis and misfortune.

TCAPS has a long history of providing financial support to countless other organizations and projects in Taber. TCAPS still provides a venue for agencies and citizens to network and work together providing services and programs to the community.  We are always on the look out for gaps and needs and ways that we and our partnering agencies, can support meeting them.

“Communities are the heartbeat of society, fostering connection, support, and shared identity. Community provide a sense of belonging, amplify individual voices, and create a collective strength that transcends challenges. In the tapestry of human experience, communities weave resilience, empathy, and a foundation for positive change, emphasizing that our interconnectedness is the cornerstone of a thriving, harmonious world. The mandate of TCAPS is to identify human service and community needs in Taber and surrounding areas, in collaboration with all interested stakeholders and where possible to plan, support and/or implement programs or projects to address them. Working together for our community.”

Our Programs

Crisis Fund 

The crisis fund started when the Giroux family, after experiencing a crisis, saw a need to support others when faced with crisis or adversary.  Their charitable golf fundraiser started the fund that TCAPS has administered since.  To date we have supported individuals and families with thousands of dollars.


TCAD started after citizens were concerned about rampant drug use and overdose in our community.  A committee was established who was successful in declaring Drug Free Zones in Taber.  You might see these signs around town, close to parks.  If a drug offence that occurs in these areas, the punishment is more severe. TCAD routinely supports awareness events in town, including Drugs over Dinner and National Addictions Awareness Week events.

Bags of love

Volunteers in the community create quilts and sew bags that include hygiene and comfort items that can be provided to kids when a crisis occurs in their family.  Victim services usually facilitate giving away these Bags of Love. 

Our Team

Angela Miller


Dr. Graham Abela


Collin Larsen


Denise Franke


Wendy Noble

Vice President

Bruce Warkentin


Naomi Wiebe
